


packages Uapp Sales E-commerce Uapp Sales Corporate Uapp Sales Business card Uapp Sales Blog website Uapp Sales Landing page Uapp Sales


We will help you to generate leads

One-page website for the presentation or sale of a specific product or service with key information and an effective call to action. The main advantage is the generation of leads and increased conversions.

Business card website

We will help you to introduce yourself

A website that contains specific information and presents its owner: field of activity, list of services, contacts. The lack of complex functionality makes such a site budget-friendly and quick to implement.

Corporate website

We will help you to introduce your company

A multifunctional website of the organization for conveying information about the company, goods and services to customers. Forms the image of the company and expands the service market.


We will help you to convey information

A blog can be both a separate resource and a part of a company website. It helps to show your expertise to customers as well as site activity. Blog is also a great way to promote your site for free.

E-commerce website

We will help you to sell your product

Website provides an easy selection of goods and a quick sale of your product, also the expansion of the market for the sale of products, the delight of a large target audience, and the automation of all processes.



  • Promotion strategy
  • Media plan creation
  • Advertising campaign settings
  • Creating banners
  • Campaign cost control
  • Ads campaign audit
  • Monthly report

Need more?
We can implement custom solutions.

Even more for your business

Different packages for your development

We can support your website and help you grow your business because we don't stop at just website development. Choose the package you need, or tell our manager about your needs.